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Yael AcuWellness

Balancing Mind Body & Soul

Tag Archives: wellness

Broth Masters: The Surprising Benefits of Bone Broth in Summer

When we think of bone broth, images of cozy winter evenings often come to mind, with a steaming bowl of rich, hearty goodness warming us from the inside out. However, bone broth is not just a wintertime staple—it’s a versatile, nutrient-packed superfood that can be enjoyed year-round. Here’s why bone broth deserves a spot in your summer diet.

Posted in Diet, Digestive Disorders, Health, Holistic Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Self-Care, Summer, Women's Health | Also tagged , , , , Comments Off on Broth Masters: The Surprising Benefits of Bone Broth in Summer

Benefits of Adding Acupuncture to Your Wellness Routine

This is the time of year when many are looking to start (or restart) their wellness routines. Self-care Saturdays may have fallen by the wayside during the holiday season and now is the time to get back on track. As you examine your health goals and wellness priorities this year, have you considered adding acupuncture to your wellness routine?

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3 Tips To Help Optimize Your Digestion This Holiday Season

With Thanksgiving and Holiday Season around the corner, it’s important to be mindful of what we’re eating and how we can optimize our digestion.

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Why it’s Important to Drink Filtered Water

It’s so important to drink filtered water. Filtered water helps remove impurities and contaminants that may be present in tap water, which includes substances such as chlorine, lead, bacteria, and other harmful pollutants. Removing these impurities provides a safer and healthier option for drinking and cooking. 

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Summer Loving: Tending to the Heart

Summer is a time of abundant energy, long sunshine-filled days and warmth. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), summer has many different associations that help define it. The element of summer is fire, the color of summer is red, the emotion of summer is joy and the governing organs are the heart and the small intestine.

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