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Yael AcuWellness

Balancing Mind Body & Soul

Facial Acupuncture Services

facial acupuncture

Facial Acupuncture

Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine hair thin, sterilized, disposable needles into acupuncture points found on meridians or pathways throughout our body. These meridians contain Qi, or vital life force that flows through our bodies. According to Chinese Medicine, stagnation of (or stuck) Qi and blood within the meridians equates to pain.  When the acupuncture needles are inserted in certain points along the meridians, if there is stagnation it can promote movement, if there is deficiency of qi or blood, they can bring qi and blood to the area, and when there is excess, they can move or release; bring the body back to its natural state of homeostasis. 

Advanced Facial Acupuncture

This treatment includes all of the above. In addition, you will also receive extensive gua sha and facial cupping with luxury serums that will help lift, create collagen, hydrate, and plump up your skin.

advanced facial acupuncture - cupping


The Aculife microneedling pen is extremely effective at boosting collagen and elastin production for youthful skin, combating aging and wrinkles. This pen uses fine, sterile needles to improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, acne scars, and enhance skincare product effectiveness. Use your body’s natural skin healing power to rejuvenate from the inside out! Experience this gentle treatment utilizing organic serums and the micropen to create microchannels to remodel and rejuvenate skin. Note: Before treatment, a topical anesthetic may be applied for light numbing. Post treatment, skin may appear pink or slightly red, typically disappears after 12-24 hours. Results are visible after 1 treatment and improves over 3-6 monthly treatments. Results last up to 5 years! You can only receive this treatment once per month. It is highly advised to receive facial acupuncture in between microneedling treatments.

914-575-6285 Directions Contact/Schedule